Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just another Wednesday

For both of my loyal readers, here is an example of what I've been working on lately. It's a little section from part of the unit I am planning.

3. Key Concepts/Big Issues/Essential Question Focus:

For this unit, I want students to understand the difference between independent and dependent clauses and then be able to identify them in the context of sentences and paragraphs. Students will then apply their antecedent understanding of clauses to correct punctuation. To extend application into “real world” uses, students will prepare for and complete a pre-ACT grammar test; using correct punctuation is a central understanding assessed by the test, and although the class has been able to cover some grammar issues such as parts of speech, we have not yet been able to given punctuation sufficient consideration.

Although students will, in the end, apply their study of fundamental elements of English grammar to “real world” assessment, the unit will begin by addressing the question of language and test-preparation. Contrary to popular belief, doing exercises in a test-prep book will only teach one how to take the test; it will not teach one all that he or she needs to know whether being assessed or not. Prep books may be necessary (or at least helpful) tools, but they are not sufficient; language would be just as essential if it were never formally assessed.


Fun, fun.


  1. Justin, sorry I am behind in commenting, but looks like you are behind in posting as well!! 7 points

  2. Yeah. I have some major catching up to do in that regard. The unit has taken all of my time and energy these last couple of weeks.
